Privacy Policy
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Sci Qual International Privacy Policy and Statement
Sci Qual International (SQI) acknowledges and takes seriously its obligations under the Privacy Act 1998 (as amended by the Privacy Amendment Private Sector Act 2000) and the associated 10 National Privacy Principles (NPPs).
Collection and Storage of Personal Information
In the course of our business, personal information such as names, addresses, may be collected and held, for use in fulfilling the primary purposes intended. This includes information required to provide customers and others with products and services. Information retained on our database is also used to inform stakeholders and customers of relevant developments in procedures or products which we believe is either necessary or will assist in the use of the product or service we offer. Unless we are informed otherwise, we will continue to use the information collected in this manner. Accuracy of information is important to us and changes or corrections to information held will be welcomed at any time.
Normally we collect information from the persons concerned and they are under no obligation to provide it. However, without certain information we may be unable to provide the products and services, or facilitate the preferred payment method. Most personal information is stored in-house. In some cases, such as certain web-based services that are contracted out, necessary contractual measures are taken to protect this information.
All reasonable steps are taken to protect the security of the personal information held, be it stored in electronic or hard copy form. Except for the reasons given in the NPPs, access is available to the person whose information is held, subject to the payment of reasonable expenses incurred in extracting such information. Access to personal information can be arranged by contacting:
The Chief Privacy Officer
PO Box 70
Morayfield QLD 4506
Tel: 1800 998 999
Fax: 07 5499 2332
What information do we gather?
Through our web site when you fill in a form we collect the following: your name, telephone, e-mail address, and other relevant information that may be used to send newsletters of relevance to you. Also when you register to subscribe to our newsletter we collect your name, e-mail address to forward that service to you.
Complaints concerning our Privacy Policy
All complaints under this policy will be treated seriously, dealt with promptly in a confidential manner and may not be used to affect the provision of any goods or services either requested or contracted to be supplied to the complainant.
Complaints under this policy are those that relate to collection of personal information or how it is collected, stored, used or disclosed. All staff undertake training on privacy and the person receiving the complaint will attempt to resolve the complaint, forwarding information on actions taken to the Chief Privacy Officer. Complaints will be recorded and reported in the Compliance Report to management.
Complaints concerning the privacy practices or about how personal information is managed, may be forwarded at any time to the Chief Privacy Officer.
Google Remarketing Tag
We have opted to use Google Advertising on the Display Network and you may therefore see some of our adds appear not only in Google, but on other websites throughout the world wide web. We have added a Google tag to our pages so that Google collects data to know which pages you visited on our website to show you relevant ads. You are able to opt out of this data collection if you wish. We will not give or Google will not give that data to other vendors, it will only use the information to determine which adds to show you.
Third party vendors, including Google, show our ads on sites on the internet.
Third party vendors, including Google, use cookies to serve ads based on a user’s prior visits to our website.
Users may opt out of Google’s use of cookies by visiting the Google advertising opt-out page. (Alternatively you opt out of a third party vendor’s use of cookies by visiting the Network Advertising Initiative opt out page.)
Your Privacy
SQI respects stakeholders’ privacy at all times. When processing your order or application we collect personal information about you for the primary purpose of providing you with a high level of customer service. We may also use this information to inform you of other related products and services which may be available.
As we value your privacy, we do not make your personal information available to other organizations without your explicit consent, and you have the right to gain access to your information at any time.
Staff Training
All staff will undergo in-house training on the Privacy Policy and our obligations, and all new staff will complete this training as an element of induction training. Staff training will be updated and completed by staff on an annual basis.
Please note that this Privacy Policy and Statement will be subject to regular review and updated as required.